Axonics Therapy in Las Vegas, NV

Axonics Therapy is an innovative and effective treatment option that addresses urinary urgency incontinence, bowel incontinence, and urinary retention, providing relief and improving the quality of life for patients. Backed by clinical evidence, Axonics Therapy offers a safe and reliable solution for individuals seeking long-term relief from these challenging conditions.

At Las Vegas Urology, our experienced team of urologists in Las Vegas specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of urological disorders, including overactive bladder and bowel incontinence. We are committed to providing personalized care and tailored treatment plans to meet the unique needs of each patient. Call our urology clinic at (702) 385-4342 to schedule an appointment.

What is Axonics Therapy?

Axonics Therapy is a clinically proven solution for treating symptoms of overactive bladder (including urinary urgency incontinence), bowel (fecal) incontinence and urinary retention.Axonics system.

What Advantages Can Axonics Therapy Offer?

  • Tiny Size: A tiny implant safely administers treatment
  • Extended Therapy: Intended to offer enduring symptom alleviation
  • Whole-Body MRI: Under permitted circumstances, a full-body MRI is permissible.
  • Clinically Verified: At three years, Axonics Therapy continued to be safe and relieve symptoms in a clinical study.

How Does Axonics Therapy Work?

The nerves that regulate the bladder and intestines are gently stimulated by axionics therapy, which can help symptoms by restoring normal control.

The Evaluation Step: You will receive brief therapy utilizing a temporary system to determine whether Axonics Therapy is appropriate for you. Before committing to long-term therapy, the assessment phase gives you the chance to feel the potential degree of symptom reduction the therapy may offer.

Long-term Therapy: If you and your physician decide that Axonics Therapy is appropriate for you, the tiny Axonics implant will be inserted into your upper buttock during an outpatient procedure, just under the skin.

Clinically Proven. Patient Approved.

Clinical research supports Axonics Therapy’s ability to restore control over one’s bowel and bladder as well as to produce a clinically significant increase in quality of life.

Clinical data 2 year graphic.


Who Is a Good Candidate For Axonics Therapy?

The decision of whether or not you are a good candidate for axionics therapy rests with you and your healthcare practitioner.

Axonics Therapy is recognized as a valid therapy for those experiencing:

  • The intense need to pee that can lead to frequent urine and/or episodes of incontinence (leaking) is known as overactive bladder (OAB).
  • Urinary frequency is the desire to pee eight or more times a day, regardless of whether urgency is involved.
  • Urinary urgency incontinence (UUI) is the inability to retain pee or the urgent desire to urinate before going to the bathroom.
  • Incontinence of the bowels, or feces, that may or may not be linked to a medical emergency
  • The inability to completely empty the bladder, also known as nonobstructive urine retention (UR), can cause difficulty urinating or repeated minor empties.
  • Axonics Therapy is indicated for patients who have failed conservative treatments, such as lifestyle changes, physical therapy, or medications.

Get The Symptom Relief You Deserve!

Ready to take the first step towards symptom relief? Schedule a consultation with Las Vegas Urology at (702) 385-4342 to discuss your symptoms and to determine if Axonics Therapy is right for you.

Important Safety Information:
Implantation and use of the Axonics System incurs risk beyond those normally associated with surgery, some of which may necessitate surgical intervention.
Results and experiences may vary and are unique to each patient. No promise or guarantee is made about specific results or experiences. Talk to your doctor about whether the Axonics System is right for you and to discuss the potential risks and benefits. For more information about safety and potential risks, go to:
Caution: Federal law (USA) restricts this device to sale and use by, or on the order of, a physician.
1. Pezzella A, et al. Neurourol Urodyn. 2021
2. Blok, B, et al. Neurourol Urodyn. 2020)